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Oh My Lolli! makes hard candy from scratch in the heart of downtown Brighton, Michigan. Walk in the door and you'll be welcomed with a hello and a free sample of one of the dozens of hand crafted flavors.

We're proud to run an allergen-free facility because we know how important that is for so many people. Our products are nut-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and gluten, so you can relax and enjoy the candy.

Lolli-Art Kit

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sold out

Lolli-Art Kit



Your Lolli-Art kit includes uniquely flavored OhMyLolli candy “glass” and molds for five Lolli-Art lollipops. Your kit includes:

  • 10 oz. Lolli-Art flavored candy glass

    • Red (Strawberry)

    • Yellow (Lemon)

    • Green (Lime)

    • Blue (Raspberry)

  • 1 Heart shaped lollipop mold (3 x 2 oz. lollipops per tray)

  • 5 Lollipop sticks

  • 5 Lollipop bags/5 twist ties

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